Laatst geüpdatet op februari 1, 2024
Once again I get confused at this crisp brand. Please divine crisp lords in the sky tell me, why do crisp brands make de names for their flavours so unbelievably long?
Before we start the review I will tell you the mood I was in: it was on the day we (me and Captain Cane) came back to Amsterdam after playing Fringe 2018 and I was certainly feeling good! I met up with some friends and we had a couple of drinks and after that a little old fashioned Dutch peace pipe filled with hashish. Tired and a little stoned I arrived home. Hungry, as you can imagine. I needed something to munch on. And then I remembered that I brought some crisps home with me from Edinburgh: these Veg crisps consisting out of beetroot. I hate beetroot! But they are also made out of carrot, and I do like carrot. And they are made of parsnips, to which I am fairly indifferent to.
I opened the bag and the smell of beetroot overtook me. Not a good start. However, I actually enjoyed the smell now, especially because it was mixed with some salt! The taste was wonderful! I actually enjoyed these crisps! A little too much even. Maybe it was my stoned brain or maybe these are just amazing crisps. By the way, do not get scared if you have beetroot red doodoo the next day!
Rapid Roundup
Smell: Beetroot with salt, good
Taste: A little sweet and salt combo, very good
Texture: a little dry but crunchy, could be improved
£2,30 for 125g that is £0,02 a gram