Steun Marijn en andere reizigers door een klacht in te dienen over kapotte liften in Amsterdam.
Reacties geslotenAuteur: Bannie Cheff
Een anonieme “zure witte man,” is blij met de uitschakeling van Oranje in de halve finale van het EK.
Reacties geslotenErgens tussen Boekel en Barendrecht ligt Niemendal, het fictieve landje waar Bannie, tussen het snacken door, een hoorspel over maakt. In deze Aardappelbetweters zijn Harm…
Reacties geslotenHandicap, schmanicap. People with a disability are certainly not always weak, victims and they can speak for themselves. Maybe they can even be heroes.Two Dutch…
Reacties geslotenSem Bannenberg and Marijn de Vries from the Netherlands have a handicap. They are funny. And they have a real disability as well (Sem has…
Reacties geslotenSo I have been asked to write a review for this wonderful website by my good friend Sem Bannenberg. This is something we as…
Reacties geslotenOn the continental Europe, we have a lot of good things, we also have a lot of strange things, and we have paprika crisps. In…
Reacties geslotenWhile in Edinburgh one cannot count himself ready to leave before one has stuffed its face in a plate of haggis!! Haggis in Scotland is…
Reacties geslotenDuring this years Edinburgh Fringe I ate a lot of crisps and when I say a lot I mean at least two small packets a…
Reacties geslotenSo we are back in Amsterdam. While performing overseas is fun and all you always miss home and when I write home I mean I…
Reacties geslotenLet me be honest, I am a lazy chap. Why else would I write a blog about eating crisps? However, for this weeks review I…
Reacties geslotenAfter the horrid crisps, I ate last week I needed something better, something more pure and healthy. I was in need of a crisp with…
Reacties geslotenI received quite a lot of comments on last week’s review about Chickpea Paprika crisps. The readers of this foodblog were wondering if chickpea crisps…
Reacties geslotenWe were asked to perform on the Vrijplaats festival at Lola Lik, the festival was held in the old Amsterdam prison known as the Bijlmer…
Reacties geslotenAs a crisp reviewer you have to watch your weight. Eating (at least) a bag of crisps a day is an unhealthy and maybe even…
Reacties geslotenSalt and Vinegar was never a standard or ordinary choice in the Netherlands. However, a couple of years ago it got some recognition and this…
Reacties geslotenEver mesmerize about the good old days when you were young and the only problems you had were the amount of pocket money you got,…
Reacties geslotenThe Dutch smoked sausage is often overshadowed by the fame of the german frankfurter, a disgusting germanic contraption not worthy of the name sausage. Our…
Reacties geslotenHello there, How have you guys been? We, Captain Cane & Brace Boy are planning a lot of stuff for 2018 more on that in…
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Reacties geslotenIn Which CC & BB review Nibits talk about human trade, and share a story about googol. Links:
Reacties geslotenDescription In which Captain Cane and Brce boy DIscuss Ketchup crisps, Axlotl’s, Marijns upcoming album release, Public transportations, and leg braces!
Reacties geslotenDescription In which ye old cap and one young BB talk about finding employment, Nacho Cheese tortilla crisps, Metal and the invention of the riff
Reacties geslotenDescription: In which Marijn and Sem Discuss, Wasabi Ginger sensation crisps from Lay’s, We talk about a measurement of braveness, talk about disabled people being…
Reacties geslotenI made a horrendous mistake in almost all my previous reviews: I almost never gave my readers the gram to euro ratio of the crisps.…
Reacties geslotenIt has been awhile since I have been writing to you, maybe you have forgotten about me and my crazy obsession with crisps. However I…
Reacties geslotenSometimes you find a “golden ticket” a wonderful moment in time and space that nobody could have expected. I remember this one time a found…
Reacties geslotenThis is the first log in which I, Captain Cane, will inform you of everything Captain Cane and Brace Boy and our show Prophets of…
Reacties geslotenChio Kettle Cooked: Sour cream and (spring) Onion by Bannie One of the crisps that got barely any attention in our poll for chips I…
Reacties geslotenInspired by Star Wars and superheroes these two Dutch comedians return to Fringe to analyze the past, present and future of disabilities. They realize they…
Reacties geslotenSo you got one of these major thick Fringe program books in your hands and you want to find the good stuff but how do…
Reacties geslotenWelcome back to the reviews, a busy little cripple comedian like myself can be swamped after preparing an Edinburgh Fringe show. However, we are back…
Reacties geslotenOn this Pilot episode of the Iratecrrisps Podcast captain Cane & Brace Boy discuss Walkers Prawn Cocktail crisps, their first two shows at the Edinburgh…
Reacties geslotenOnce again I get confused at this crisp brand. Please divine crisp lords in the sky tell me, why do crisp brands make de names…
Reacties geslotenI do like to review Dutch crisps. However, I love to review international, exotic crisps. And this week I review a crisp all the way…
Reacties geslotenIn the world of a jobless crisp reviewer there are two types of crisps: the ones with generic flavours in big bags and the ones…
Reacties geslotenOn the 20th of September I tasted Lidl Chorizo crisps and it was horrible! A crisp-experience that will haunt me to the end of time.…
Reacties geslotenA lot of crisps try to do something with cheese or at least cheese flavour. cheese and onion, cheese flavoured doritos, ham and cheese. But…
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